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Bonjour, il y a un truc que je ne comprends pas. Si les cartes avec le symbole tête de mort sont interdites , que se passe-t-il si un roi se trouve dessous ? Y a t’il un moyen d’attaquer ces cartes ?

Hello, there’s something I don’t understand. If the cards with the skull symbol are forbidden, what happens if a king is underneath? Is there any way to attack these cards?



Un point à clarifier certainement ! On peut jouer avec une grille de 6 par 5, dans ce cas pas d'emplacements interdits ou avec un des donjons (grille de 7 par 6). Dans ce cas, il y a 12 emplacements interdits : ils ne contiennent pas de cartes, ce sont les murs (ou les abymes) du décor. Il faut les signaler avec des papiers ou de petits objets. J'espère que cela t'aidera ! Bonne chance et mort aux souverains !

You can play with a 6 by 5 grid, in which case there are no forbidden locations, or with one of the dungeons (7 by 6 grid). In this case there are 12 forbidden locations: they do not contain cards, they are the walls (or voids) of the level. You have to mark them with papers or small objects. I hope this helps! Good luck and death to the sovereigns!

Ah merci beaucoup je m’en vais tester cela de ce pas !

recently played this and i really enjoyed it! very fun solo experience.

Glad you enjoyed it ! I've got other solo games you can try if you feel like it

This is a really cool game. It's the first one I played from the Solo But Not Alone 2 bundle, and it's fun!

So nice to read that, I hope it went well! Still one hundred games to try 😀 !


I just played Dead Belt today, and can definitely recommend! This is a very cool bundle.

(1 edit) (+1)

Thanks for the recommendation! I'm moving it to the top of my list

I'm so happy to see this updated! I have an unused but beautiful deck of cards that would be perfect for kingslaying..

Have you found the perfect D20 to use with it? Have a good time!

Well, there are dice sets made out of human bones...

😱 I'm horrified (yet slightly envious)


I love this slim, straightforward, and direct use of the Carta rules! I was worried people would be daunted by the idea of writing a huge game, but I never thought a game like this was possible!

I also love the vibe and the intensity!


Thanks for the comment !
By the way, the tag line "Hunt and defeat the 4 Kings" is inspired by one of your tweet. Thanks for that too!


Incredibly neat and compelling concept. Despite its simplicity, there's decision-making to be made in deciding how to affect and balance which aspects of your 'character' (the pawn) will change in reaction to a success/fail. 

I'd like to see a hack or an update on this where weird abilities can be added. Peeking under a card, swapping adjacent cards, flipping colors, or even the idea of a joker chasing you around the grid. The seamless system makes it very easy to imagine more possibilities! 


Thanks! I was mostly considering a two players variant. But all of these are great ideas and your nice feedback is really motivating to keep on working on this game!